Download a PDF of the “Eagle Owners Policy vs Standard ALTA Policy

Someone else owns an interest in your titleXX
A document is not properly signedXX
Forgery, fraud, duress in the chain of titleXX
Defective recording of any documentXX
There are restrictive covenantsXX
There is a lien on your title because there is:X
a) a deed of trustXX
b) a judgment, tax, or special assessmentXX
c) a charge by a homeowners’ associationXX
Title is unmarketableXX
Mechanics lienX
Forced removal of a structure because it:X
a) extends on another property and/or easementX
b) violates a restriction in Schedule BX
c) violates an existing zoning law*X
Cannot use the land for a Single-Family Residence because the use violates a restriction in Schedule B or a zoning ordinanceX
Unrecorded lien by a homeowners’ associationX
Unrecorded easementsX
Building permit violations*X
Restrictive covenant violationsX
Post-policy forgeryX
Post-policy encroachmentX
Post-policy damage from extraction of minerals or waterX
Lack of vehicular and pedestrian accessX
Map not consistent with legal descriptionX
Post-policy adverse possessionX
Post-policy prescriptive easementX
Covenant violation resulting in your title reverting to a previous ownerX
Violation of building setback regulationsX
Discriminatory covenantsX
Pays rent for substitute land or facilitiesX
Rights under unrecorded leasesX
Plain language statements of policy coverage and restrictionsX
Subdivision law violationX
Coverage for boundary wall or fence encroachment*X
Added ownership coverage leads to enhanced marketabilityX
Insurance coverage for a lifetimeX
Post-policy inflation coverage with automatic increase in value up to 150% over five yearsX
Post-policy Living Trust coverageX

*Deductible and maximum limits apply.

Coverage may vary based on an individual policy.

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